Sep 2, 2011


It was nice dropping off the face of the planet for a while, but now I'm back in front of the computer and will (hopefully) write more posts than this one to last until the next time I'm in front of a computer. I also need to go to the market and buy a peanut-butter-making-machine for my host family. Model one, not model two. Two previous Peace Corps Volunteers of the family also bought these peanut-butter-making-machines and will be forever remembered by the machine's quality. Adama's lasted two years, but Fanta's lasted only two months before it broke.

Maybe if the one I buy lasts five years, I'll be remembered for that instead of for the shrew-eating-frog-incident. So a lot more than peanut butter is depending on this.

However, this afternoon's mission has several complicating factors. And because I haven't used a numbered list in awhile, I'll use one now.

  1. I am not sure where peanut-butter-making machines, model one or otherwise, are sold. Here's how my conversation with Neene to determine their location went: "Neene, do you know where they sell the peanut machines?" No answer from Neene. Maybe she didn't hear me? Maybe I forgot more Pulaar in a month than I realized? I tried again: "Does Serrekunda market have peanut butter machines?" "Yes, Serrekunda market has them. You know Fatou, Fatou Bobo? Her father when he went to Basse bought a peanut machine and it lasted ten years. When Fatou was a child he bought it and until now it is not broken."
  2. I am not sure what language the sellers of these peanut-butter-making machines speak. If they speak English, perfect. If they speak the Pulaar, awesome, as long as they know occasional English words like "model one." If they speak any other language...not awesome. I would probably end up buying model two, or something, and be known as the volunteer who was scared of frog-eating-mice and incapable of buying quality machinery.
  3. Okay, I guess there are only two complicating factors. I thought there were more...maybe I should make some up so my adventure sounds more perilous.
  4. Alien invasion is always possible.
  5. Ooh! Or maybe there's a type of mutant shrew that can live under mud and I'll stumble upon a colony of them and as I run to escape I'll trip and fall and they'll rip me to pieces and that would be sad.
Wish me luck!

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