Sep 7, 2011

Boo-boo the Monkey!

Amadou tells me that Kuri, the dog, went to the bush and caught a monkey. Actually, two monkeys, because the monkey had a baby. I asked if she ate the monkeys and he told me no, she just killed them.

Neene joins the conversation and tells a story about a monkey she used to know. The monkey belonged to someone from the family's village in Senegal. Its name was Boo-boo and he liked to pick the bugs out of the sheep's coats. He would pick the bugs out of people's hair, too. He was so funny! One day, it was a holiday, so the family slaughtered one of the sheep. Boo-boo screamed and screamed and when he was offered some of the meat, he refused to eat it!

And that's all I know about Boo-boo the Monkey.

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