Jan 17, 2011

Tobaski, Part III of IV

On the second day of Tobaski, I start the day by sealing up the gaps between my fence and the ground with large stones and the tops of tin cans because I spot a mouse in my backyard and don't want him to return. Also, at night a lot of frogs come through the gaps and I'm scared I'll step on one, or that one will jump into the pit latrine. Next I:

  • Visit Julia and Pateh tags along and jumps on her bed for a bit
  • Rugi comes and tells us to visit her mom, so we do and help her crack peanuts until she tells us we need to stop because our fingers are not used to it
  • Pateh decides to help by sawing through the peanut shells with a dull knife
  • Fatou tells me if she gives birth to a girl she is going to name it Binta, after me!
  • I return to my own compound and don't do much except sit around and attempt to understand the conversation happening around me.
  • Lunch! is super delicous and includes potatoes, cabbages, and eggplant
  • I return to Sowe Kunda and ask Fatou Sowe (who is not Mamadou, Rugi and Pateh's mother. This Fatou is Ebrima and Buba's mother) when the ladies will wear asobi, because it's looking like almost-sunset. She replies I can go home and she will tell me when it is time
  • I sit with Rugi for awhile and make clothes for my baby (a stick she picks up from the ground) out of an instruction booklet for an Africell SIM card (also picked up from the ground)
  • Some kids come by and I ask were they sent to tell me it's time to wear the asobi and they reply "yes" in Pulaar and I repeat the question a few more times and ask if they understand, and they keep replying "yes," even though I was hoping they would provide more elaboration or at least say, "yes, put on the asobi" so I would know for sure they understood my question
  • I wash and put on the compelet and Neene tells me I look so nice and Fatou Sowe asks where is my camera and I return and get my picture taken and then Pippi leads me to wear the party is happening
  • Except...the party is not happening. No one is wearing asobi and I am politely informed that everyone will be wearing asobi tomorrow. So I rush home to change, but the lady (who I know because I've seen her at Tostan and we walked back together from the market once, but I forget her name) told me to stay. So I sit awkwardly for awhile and someone gives me some heated sweetened condensed milk and that makes things almost better because heatened sweetened condensed milk is really delicious.
  • The lady, who has been bagging salt to sell at market while I have been sitting awkwardly, asks if I've eaten yet and when I tell her no she tells me to go home and eat and come back at twelve for the party. To which I reply, "if I'm not tired..."
  • So I go home and eat dinner and roasted peanuts

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