Jan 22, 2011

"Hup! But they are very uncivilized!"

One day last November I observed a science lesson taught by one of the teachers. After the lesson, a group of boys went to look at one of the posters hanging on the back bulletin board. At first I didn't notice them or the poster, but when I hear, "Man. Woman. Woman," I turn around, curious.

It is a poster of famous scientists. Now I am even more curious, because posters of famous scientists don't generally include many women, unless it is a poster of famous women scientists. Sure enough...

Student, pointing to Isaac Newton: Woman.
Me: No, it's a man.
Student, pointing to Marie Curie: Woman?
Me: Yes.
Student, pointing to Stephen Hawking: ?
Me: Man.
Student points to Galileo and Darwin.
Me: Man, man.
Student looks skeptically at Darwin's bushy beard and Newton's long curly locks.
Student: Hup! But they are very uncivilized!

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