Jul 8, 2012


Teacher 1: This boy. This boy…
Me: Which boy?
Teacher 1: This boy.
(he points an accusing finger at the teacher sitting across from him)
Teacher 1: If I thought we were living in the time of slavery, I would sell him to a slave trader.
Me: Why?
Teacher 1: This boy is stubborn.
Me: Also if you sold him you would be rich.
Teacher 1: He is lucky slavery is over.
Teacher 2 (This boy): But me, if I wanted to castrate this boy, I could do that.
Me: Castrate him?
Teacher 2: Yes, slavery is over but people are still be castrated. If I wanted, I could castrate him now.
Me: Now?
Teacher 2: Right now.
Me: But I think that would not be a good idea.
Teacher 2: Why not?
Me: Because the sound of the screaming would disturb the environment.

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