Jul 24, 2012

Benechin morning!

On one of the mornings I spent with the trainees in village, we learned how to make benichen. I tried to pay-attention-and-take-notes but the kids distracted me. So I still can't cook benichen, but at least I got some cute photos.

This tokara had a habit of calling my name, but then having nothing  to actually say to me once I'd responded.

Sira is frying fish for the lunch Jabou was cooking for her own family. Our benichen had chicken instead.

I forget this girl's name.

And this girl's.

Oh, right. Let's pay attention. Sliced onions are pounded together with pepper.

This girl never smiles, even when her photo isn't being taken.

I don't think anyone ever did wipe her nose.

Oh no! There's stuff bubbling in a pot and I don't know what the stuff is!
Now I'll never be a benichen master... 

We thought maybe the kids were eating a grapefruit, because it  looked too large for an orange and he sprinkled sugar on it.
However, it was just a large, sugared orange.

The trainees started taking pictures of the brewing attaya, and I realized I'd never taken a proper photo of attaya myself.

What?! Lunch is ready? How did that happen!

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