Aug 6, 2011

School Photos!

"Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative."
Double click this photo and take a closer look.
This is the map I was telling you about, where half the
European countries are unlabeled and the borders are fuzzy.
And I just noticed all of Denmark is missing.

The back wall of a classroom.

And now you've got a view of the windows
and the cabinet.

The first time I saw one of these "ALWAYS REMEMBER"
notes on the wall, I thought it was in memory of a student
who had died. Nope. The vandal just doesn't want you to
forget him.

I'm pretty sure "Tiger blood" is not the correct answer.
But it is certainly a hilarious one.
(this page is from an old copy of the national exam for grade 12)

I took this photo at the request of our bursar, who wanted to
send some photos to some organization he's hoping to get
more computers from. I think this is one of the grade ten classes,
because I don't actually know these students.

One of the grade 11 classes. I like this photo better than the
one I took afterwards, when they were actually prepared.

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