Aug 1, 2011

He followed her to school one day...

Back in June, during a rainy morning, Levi followed me to school. I let him stay because
  1. I didn’t have to teach any classes
  2. I didn’t feel like walking back in the rain
  3. He pushed the gate open after I closed it in his face
  4. The principal didn’t seem alarmed or even mildly bothered by his presence
Levi didn’t do much other than sit by my side and whine softly if I forgot to pet him. A couple of times he wandered away to sniff the premises and once he provoked a goat into charging at him, at which point Levi scampered away whimpering with his ears flat against his head and his tail tucked between his legs. Around break time his whining got louder and more persistent, however, and since the rain had stopped, I brought him home.

That night, Fatou Sowe told everyone the story of Levi following me to school: “Today Levi tired Binta! He followed her to the school and she could not teach. She returned him to the compound; she went to Njie Kunda and said, ‘Neene, help me, Levi wants to go to school and learn.’ Aye, Binta.”

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