May 2, 2011

Yo Allah okku mangooji heewi!

I think that's how you'd say "May God give a lot of mangoes" in Pulaar. Here are two stories about heaven-sent mangoes.

Heaven-sent mango story number 1:
Neene: Binta, last night I was lying here [indicates the hammock] and I said, "I wish I had a mango," and then! a mango fell and hit me here, on the mouth.
Mamadou: God gave her a mango!

Heaven-sent mango story number 2:
Kairaba is lying on the bench listening to the radio. It's dark but not yet dinner time. We hear the crack of a falling mango. Amadou ducks and covers his head. The mango falls in front of Amadou, rolls towards Kairaba and stops just beneath the place where his hand is dangling from the bench.

Kairaba: Binta, you saw that? God said, "Here Kairaba, take this mango."  God wanted me to have this mango!
Me: It's true!

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