May 4, 2011

I dream of rain...

You remember that song Sting sang at the Superbowl one year? I remember it, and I’ve watched very few Superbowls and couldn’t tell you much about music. Hence the reason I cannot tell you the title of the song, but I think it includes the word “desert.” It also includes the line, “I dream of rain” and afterwards there’s some aahlaayaahlaay”-ing.

I've dreamt of rain. One night I woke up and imagined I heard rain falling and furthermore imagined that I felt rain falling, ever so slightly, maybe five or six drops. However, it was late at night so rather than fully wake myself to investigate the authenticity of my imaginings, I fell back asleep. When I was in elementary school and wishing for a snow day, I learned (sadly, only after many such trials) that if you dash to the window and it looks like snow, in all likelihood it's actually just frost. I assumed the “rain” was more of the same.

I woke up and, as happens with most dreams, I forgot all about it.

At school later that day, a student asked, “Miss Jallow, do you think it will rain?”
Me: Do I think it will rain?
Student: Yes.
Me: Today?
Student: Yes.
Me: I do not know about today, but—yesterday I dreamed it rained. At night I thought it was raining. Student: Miss Jallow, it did rain last night. Me too, I thought I was dreaming, but then I looked and I saw the water on the ground.

Dreams really do come true! If the dream wasn’t a dream to begin with…

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