Feb 8, 2011

"This morning your husband was burned"

I can't remember if I mentioned that I have a husband now. In case I didn't, or in case I did and you've forgotten, his name is Saliou and I think he is 15 months old now. I can no longer remember the exact details of how he became my husband, but Sini, Saliou's mom, suggested it. I think she was saving me from some annoying dude who didn't understand that men want me to take them to America all the time and I no longer find jokes about marrying a total stranger even a little bit funny. Now conversations with annoying dudes go something like this:
Annoying dude: Where are you from?
Me: America.
Annoying dude: Do you have a husband?
Me: Yes.
Annoying dude: In The Gambia?
Me: Yes.
Annoying dude: ?! What is his name?
Me: Saliou.

And if Saliou is nearby I will point to him and the annoying dude will laugh but usually stop bothering me. If he says I'm joking and Saliou is not my husband I'll reply, "No, Saliou is my husband and I don't want two husbands," and then he'll laugh again and stop bothering me.

Anyway, here's a story about my husband.

Adama and I are sitting at the Tostan declaration (the one I bought asobi for), which hasn’t officially started yet.

Adama: This morning your husband was burned.
Me: My husband?
Adama: Yes, your husband was burned. And he cried and cried. Go and see him!
Me: No, I am going to sit here. I will see him later. What burned? The fire?
Adama: No, they cut it.
Me: Cut? What?
Adama: Cut.
Adama demonstrates cutting by pretending to slice the tip of her finger.
Me: What? His finger?
Adama: No.
Me: What did they cut? My husband was burned and cut this morning?
Me, to myself: I am SO confused. I wish I could understand what Adama's trying to tell me. How does a child manage to burn and cut himself before noon? Was he simultaneously playing with knives and fire? Where was his mother?
Adama: And Buba also.
Me: And Buba also?!
Adama: Come see.
Me: No, I’ll sit here. I will see them later.
Me, to myself: ???

Turns out, the words for “burn” and “circumcise” are awfully similar to each other. And at the time of this conversation, I hadn’t learned the word for circumcise yet. Poor Adama must have been just as confused as I was…

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