Feb 17, 2011

"But I was not brave..."

One afternoon Fatou told me about the time Fanta (one of the previous volunteers) and her friends cooked American food.

Fatou: They cooked American food, but I didn’t know what it was. They said, “eat!” and I ate a little only and said I was full. But I wasn’t full. But I didn’t know this food. That’s why I didn’t eat it.
Me: What did they cook? Bread and what also?
Fatou: I don’t know. Macaroni and vermicelli and a packet. But I didn’t know what the packet was.
Me: A packet?
Fatou: You add oil and you add water and you add the packet…
Me: And you eat with the macaroni?
Fatou: Yes.
Me: I know it!

I’ll bet you anything it was mac and cheese Fatou was not brave enough to eat. I would be scared of macaroni and cheese too, if I were her. Or even if I were me.

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