Feb 28, 2011

How to revive a chicken

Pateh almost killed a chicken one afternoon. Not a full-grown chicken, or an almost-grown chicken, but one of those cute, soft, fluffy, Easter-yellow ones. He whacked it with a stick and it sort of crunch-flopped to the ground and Rugi screamed that Pateh had killed a chicken and Neene screamed that she was going to beat Pateh until he peed and Pateh looked at the chicken and looked at Neene and ran into the house.

But the chicken ended up being okay-ish. Fatou picked it up and brought it over to the mud stove where she was cooking lunch and when she sprinkled some water on it, it opened up its eyes wide and stopped hunching over like it wanted to die. Then she kept sprinkling water on it until it was soaked, and then she put it on top of the stove to dry. It still limped around for the rest of the day, but it didn't die!

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