Dec 20, 2010

The end of the photos, for now, maybe

Since most of the other photos on my camera are more of the same (swarms of children), plus a mother hen and her soft, oh-so-edible chicks and since I'm feeling impatient and have not written much in awhile, there won't be any more photos today. I still have Tobaski photos I want to share, but the last few times I tried uploading them, the computer refused.

Then again, to write about today would also be more of the same. An in-service training isn't the most exciting event to write about. Neither is standing in line at a bank, buying yogurt and soap, or retrieving letters from the office.

I went to the dentist again, re-read the Time magazine from last year, and replied to his "Merry Christmas" with "God Jul."

I dipped french fries in mayonaise for the first time, and it was dangerously delicious. Luckily there is a scarcity of french fries at site, so it won't develop into a habit.

And...yup, that was pretty much my day. All those boring events to write about, though, like buying yogurt...I'm going to miss them whole lot in a few days when I return to site. I love my village, but transitioning back  after nearly two weeks of running water, chocolate bars, ice cream, electricity, speaking rapidly in's gonna be a challenge. And by the time I return, there won't be Christmas to look forward to.

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