Dec 15, 2010


Today I rushed around like crazy accomplishing many semi-important tasks and feeling productive. So I felt very American. And despite all the rushing around, I never felt stressed out because awesome stuff kept happening! For example:

  • In the morning I re-visited the free pile of clothes and junk that volunteers (mostly the ones leaving the country) contribute to. And I found a pair of fleece pajama pants exactly like the ones I left at home. The pink ones from Old Navy with a reindeer pattern. I left them at home because I didn't realize The Gambia would actually get legitimately cold at night, or that I would really wish I would be able to wear them for Christmas morning, which is what I had been wishing yesterday. Yay!
  • I went to the dentist. Normally, this would not be cause for excitement, especially considering the last time I went to the dentist he took half my money and four of my teeth. But this time the dentist was Swedish! There was a Swedish flag hanging outside of the door and the waiting room table was stocked with last week's Swedish newspapers (which made me really wish I could understand Swedish, because the only English reading material was an issue of Time from exactly a year ago), and those little plastic beads that you put on the plastic board and then melt with a hot iron, except they weren't melted so you could mindlessly rearrange the patterns as you were waiting. And probably only a handful of this blog's readers understood what I meant by those meltable plastic beads, for which I'm sorry, but can do nothing about. Oh, and the name of the dental clinic was Swedent.
  • I ATE MUFFINS. NO LIE. While wandering one of the many supermarkets I wandered today I found a package of chocolate-chip mini muffins. I couldn't believe it. I bought them, of course. They could have cost a thousand dalasi and I would have bought them (but luckily they were only fifty-five or something like that). I bought a bottle of milk, too. The only supermarket disappointment was the absence of the white chocolate hippopotamuses that the KinderEgg company makes. I never bought one when I saw them in September because they were expensive and I just assumed white chocolate hippopotamuses would still be there when I returned. But if I don't find them before it's time for me to return to site again, I'll buy a package of "Little Skateboarders." At least that's what I'm assuming the French translates too. Some knock-off brand is selling their interpretation of the "Little Schoolboys" that I used to always eat with my mom, but changed the schoolboys to skateboarders. Any chocolate can make you smile, but it's a special chocolate that makes you laugh hysterically.
I just adjusted my posture in my chair and my skirt slipped down below my knee and I moved to push it back... then remembered that no one here cares if my knees show. But they will care if I'm smelly. So I'll go take a shower now.

P.S. I did not spot any oppossums today. But today is my sister's birthday, so this title is for her.

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