Nov 1, 2010


A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the PTA. The principal wanted me to come so he could introduce me to the parents. Here's how it went: I don't know. It was conducted entirely in Mandinka, except for a few of the very important parts (the cost of school fees) that he translated into Pulaar in order to be certain that all the parents understood. Here is the extent of my Mandinka vocabulary: morning, afternoon, peace, name, children, work, they're there, slowly.

Even though I still haven't mastered Pulaar, people still want to know why I don't also know Mandinka. Or French. Which reminds me! As I was biking to Basse on Saturday I came across a yellow triangular sign bordered in bright red with a large, black exclamation point in the center. With some French words below it. So what I was being warned of, I have no idea. 

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