Jun 9, 2012


This post should have been made before the one about bivouacs. Our staffroom only has one flat-screen T.V. 

I came to school one morning and found a new sign taped to the staffroom door. It was written in red marker and said: ATTENTION STAFFROOM IS STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS FOR ALL STUDENTS. Inside, on a table in the corner, sat a brand-new flat-screen T.V. and DVD player.

The students entering the staff room (the sign turned out to be purely aesthetic) to charge mobiles would linger in order to see just one more minute. The librarian’s children came in, seated themselves on the floor in front of a couch, were shooed out, and remained crowded in the doorway. Caretaker Jallow sat watching, back straight, hands folded in lap.

I assume it is a Nigerian film and I like watching it to learn about Nigeria. For example, I have learned that in Nigeria there are sidewalks. I am trying to remember if I’ve seen a sidewalk in all of The Gambia. I don’t think so. You’d think there would be one, somewhere. If I weren’t already on a Swedish newspaper warehouse quest, I would go on a sidewalk quest.

The film was titled You Must Do or Die and before it began there were previews. These were the previewed films: The End of the Maidens, Ugly Temptation, Mad Sex, 2 Squard, Burning Tears, Save My Love, He is Roy.

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