Jun 22, 2012

Dogs, cats, and witchcraft.

Remember how dogs have super-powers? The ones that can be yours too, if you transfer some of their eye gunk into your own eyes? Another teacher has provided more details; reassuringly, he prefaced numerous sentences with "they believe..."

If a "witchcraft" enters the compound looking for someone, it will ask the dog where that person is. And the dog will shake its hairs and tell the witchcraft, "Okay, but first you must count all of the hairs." But when the witchcraft is almost finished counting, the dog will shake again so the witchcraft must start counting from the beginning. And the dog will continue doing this so the witchcraft is never able to get the person.

But if the witchcraft enters the compound and meets a cat, the cat will say, "Okay, just give me the head."

"And that is why I would like a dog instead of a cat."

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