Jul 29, 2011

Photos of the rain! (with some goats for good measure)

The other day one of the teachers at my school sent me an e-mail, wishing me a pleasant vacation and rain. He was writing from a place where the sun is hot, so he wished me rain with all the best intentions. I, of course, no longer want anything but sunshine day and night, so I was little sad when it rained later that afternoon.

But anyway, here are photos from that once upon a time when rain was all I dreamed about.

This is Buba, standing where I wish I'd
been standing.

That's my bed in the top right corner. This picture would probably
be more impressive if this caption could tell you just how much rain had
piled up in my backyard, but at the time I was too excited about RAIN
to think about rulers.

There was a frog hovering at the edge of my pit latrine!
And then he fell in.
What a horrible horrible way to die.
Unless he didn't die. There are certainly plenty of bugs down
there for him to eat. In which case,
What a horrible horrible way to live.

Levi's impression of the rain.

This was several days after the rain, or several days before.
Anyway, it wasn't raining this day; I just wanted to include a
photo of the day the twin goats wandered into my house.

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