Jun 8, 2011

Ugly Dog

Levi’s new friend is the ugliest puppy on the planet. Seriously. He’s a little taller than Levi but a lot stockier. His fur is a dirty, scruffy coat and is mottled grey and beige. He belongs to someone, so his ears have been cut to uneven stubs and his face…is indescribably ugly. Sort of round and flat, with poky round eyes. I have yet to get a photo of Ugly Dog, but to emphasize, this isn’t a dog that’s ugly in a cute way, he’s ugly in a how-did-that-poor-creature-end-up-with-such-an-unfortunate-face sort of way. You really don’t want to look at him, he’s so aesthetically displeasing. At the same time you’ve got to look because you can’t believe your eyes.

Ugly Dog has been coming to hang out at our compound for the past few days. Levi and Ugly Dog will lie down and nap together and when Levi gets up to greet me, Ugly Dog will follow and I’ll feel obligated to give him a little pat on his ugly head. His fur is surprisingly soft, especially considering that it’s simultaneously surprisingly dirty. Isatou Pippi told me his name is Bavi, but I must’ve heard wrong because I thought the lack of “v”’s in Pulaar is what causes everyone to mispronounce Levi’s name. Probably his name is Babi, which is what some of the kids called Levi before they learned his name.

Bavi is too pretty a name for an Ugly Dog anyway.

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