Jun 9, 2011

Oceans! They exist.

Shockingly, sadly, I’ve discovered ninth grade boys are more poorly informed about geography than Ado, who thought I could go to America and back in a weekend. One afternoon when school was letting out and I was locking up the computer lab, some ninth grade boys walkd by and greeted me.

Student: Good afternoon, Miss Jallow.
Me: Good afternoon. How are you?
Student: Fine. Did you go to Kombo?
Me: No, just to Basse.
Student: But I think when school closes you will bike to America?
Me: No, I cannot do that, it is impossible.
Student: No?
Me: Between Gambia and America is a large ocean, a lot of water. You cannot bike across it.
Student: Heh?!
Me, pointing to an imaginary map on the outside wall of the classroom we’re standing beside: Here is The Gambia. Here is America. In between is all water. You must take an airplane. Or a boat.
Student: But I think you can go to America anytime you want?
Me: No, the pass is expensive.
Student: I think it is not.
Me: Maybe…25,000 dalasis.
Student: But I think you are rich!
Me: No! I do not have a lot of money.
Student: But all white people are rich.
Me: That is not true. In America there are people who are very poor who do not even have food.
Student: But you are rich.
Me: No, I am not. Before I came here I had just finished university. I did not work a lot. I do not have a lot of money.
Student: No, you are rich.

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