Aug 31, 2010


The section of the city known as Senegambia, the tourist section, contains many sights unknown to the rest of The Gambia. You will see exposed knees. You will see a restaurant decorated with bright red, green and purple lights that flash green, purple and red. You will see a European couple sloppily, slobberingly, kissing each other. You will watch with horrid fascination, then avert your eyes to the ham and pineapple pizza sitting on the plate in front of you.

Or rather, you would have seen this sights, had you been me last night. After training sessions that included an excursion to the ferry terminal, we went for a pizza dinner at Paradisio's. Delicious! I could even say, "It's the best pizza I've eaten in The Gambia!" I could say this because it's the only pizza I've eaten in The Gambia. In America, this pizza would rank below the pizza my elementary school served for lunch on Fridays. And I'll admit I liked that pizza...but still.

I'm much more excited for tonight's dinner at Kebab and Curry! Indian food! Only 49 minutes from now!

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