Aug 28, 2010

Go St. Mary's!

Professor Roberts and the group of St. Mary's students studying abroad in The Gambia this semester arrived Tuesday, and today I got to meet them!!! Yes, it was happiness of the triple-exclamation point variety. The house where the St. Mary's students will stay is only a five minute cab ride from the Stodge, and is also walkable (because I walked back).

[Aside: I've learned how to prevent getting lost in The Gambia! If I walk in dirt/mud while wearing my Teva sandals, I can follow the tracks back to wherever I came from. The tread on my sandals are a pattern of dots that no one else's shoes have, and it's rare that I'm not walking in dirt/mud. It's foolproof! Unless it rains...or my destination is not my place of origin...or a herd of goats walks behind me...]

Anyway, I had a really great time talking to familiar faces, sharing my Peace Corps experience so far, and hearing about their impressions of The Gambia. Then we walked up Kairaba Avenue and into a grocery store where I bought a pack of Digestive Crackers. I do not know why they are called Digestive Crackers, because the name makes them sound extremely unappealing. In reality, they are incredibly delicious, in a graham-cracker-ish sort of way.

In fact, I think I will go eat some more right now.

1 comment:

mama said...

I grew up with those. I love them! We called them Diggy Stevee Kex and it meant absolutely nothing at all... except for Kex, which is swedish for "crackers" When I moved to the states and realized that it was actually a name referring to the workings of our intestinal tracts, it sort of baffled me.