Nov 16, 2011

"I want to enter your stomach."

After dinner I notice a satellite or something gliding quickly across the sky.

Me: Rugi, look!
Rugi: What?
Me: Look, there. It is running.
Rugi: That moon, also, it will go.
Me: It is fast!
Rugi: It is following that moon.

We watch in silence until it disappears.

Me: But now I do not see it.
Rugi: I see it. It is there.
Me: It is not there. It left.
Rugi, pointing to a faint star not at all near the point where the satellite was last seen: It is here!
Me: But it went there. Now it is here? It is not the same.
Rugi: It entered the moon’s stomach.
Me: The moon’s stomach?
Rugi: Yes…It said, “I want to enter your stomach.” Then the moon said, “Okay.”

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