Jul 24, 2011


One afternoon I invited E.B. to come fetch water from the pump with me; so he carried the empty bidong and his spoon rode on the back of the bike. While I was pumping water two guys came by, one whom I’d seen before and the other presumably his buddy from the Kombos. I assume this because his buddy was wearing sunglasses and his greeting was, “Hello Boss Lady.”

Me: Boss Lady is not my name. Please call me Binta.

City Dude: You do not want to be called Boss Lady?

Me: No. I want to be called Binta.

City Dude: But Boss Lady is a promotion!

Me: But still, Boss Lady is not my name.

Village Dude, as he walks over to pump water for me: Her name is Binta.

Then City Dude tried to convince me that I was earning a lot of money and I tried to convince him I was earning nothing at all. Then:

City Dude, suddenly: What about Princess Binta?

Me: Okay.

City Dude: But I think Princess Binta is also not good.

Me: No, you can call me Princess Binta.

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