Jul 18, 2011

Conversations with Mamadou: When I was alone in the compound...

One night Mamadou told me the following story:

Mamadou: Aunt went to Janenjallah--

I interrupt, not yet realizing he’s narrating “past” events.

Me: She went there? Isn’t she here?

Mamadou: She went to Janenjallah and I was the only one here. And Kangado.

I never completely figured out who Kangado was. At first I thought Kangado was the dog, because I thought that was the most recent name he’d given the dog, but as the tale progressed I became less sure of this.

Mamadou: Kangado and I went into Aunt’s house and Kangado had a gun and I had a slingshot. And K-- (I forget this other character’s name but it also began with a K) came and shot Kangado and he died.

Me: Who died? Kangado? Isn’t that Kangado there? [I point in the general direction of the dog.]

Mamadou: He died.

Me: But now he is not dead?

Mamadou: Yes. Then the paramilitary came and they locked him up.

Me: Who came?

Mamadou: The paramilitary.

I forget exactly how the rest of the story goes, but at one point Mamadou’s buddies Ali, Ali Bojang, Yaya and Ousi come and at another point Mamadou kicks K--- in the leg and he runs away but does not cry even though it hurts.

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