Jan 24, 2014

"If you can't travel to the motherland, Joloff Restaurant is the next best thing."

I meant to write this post a year ago. Yup. A year ago. Well, almost. I don't know why I never got around to it, but I'm planning a presentation about my Peace Corps experience, which got me curious about my blog. Turns out, more people are reading it than ever. Weird, right? 

Anyway, so a year ago my then-boyfriend-now-fiance and I took a trip to NYC and stopped by a Senegalese restaurant in Brooklyn. No one knew Pulaar, but I managed a "jere jeff" or two. 


Attaya? Yes. Yes it is. 

Batik tablecloths!

This is probably one of the two times I have ever gotten to wear that necklace in public.

Turns out my fiance likes domoda (but then again, who wouldn't?!) so we tried making it at home, with tasty results. 

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