Jul 28, 2012


Not the sky referenced below. 

I was chatting after dinner with some of the men staying at the agricultural center. One of these men is the meteorologist (did I mention my village has a meteorological station? it does! and it's filled with all sorts of apparatuses I don't understand!) but that is not why we were talking about the weather. We were talking about the weather because a large, ominous cloud was rapidly erasing the moon and stars.

The meteorologist explained about the wind that sometimes comes at night. I paid attention, because I've never been particularly interested in weather, and I was hoping he would say something interesting to interest me. He didn't, but grateful to have someone who appeared amused, he proceeded to rant about the general population's lack of appreciation for his work.

"It is important to know what the weather will be before you go outside," he moaned, "but...

these people, they don't value this."

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