Jan 4, 2012


You need to know maths in order to apply for a visa to America. For any francophone or ameriphone country, actually. At least, according to one of the maths teachers. This teacher has clearly never applied for an American visa. Then again, neither have I, so what do I know? I wish, however, that admission to America/Europe were not being promoted as the reason to work hard in maths.

Another morning I overheard a student talking to this teacher about something he'd told her earlier.

“I remember what you said in class, if I should get a husband and he should take me to America…”

Apparently, he’d warned her that if she needed to wear a sweater, etc. here, she would never be able to go to Europe.

Guess I’ll never be able to go to Europe, either. I was so excited when I found a discarded knitted hat—now I can stop trying to drape a fleece blanket over my head in the morning; lighting the burner just got a lot safer.

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